The quantum voltage standard and the Quantum Hall resistance standard are the most accurate standards in electrical metrology area, and are the basis of other electrical standards. NIM has built these two quantum standards, however the chips in the standards have to be imported. After eight years of hard work, recently NIM made breakthroughs in electrical standard chips. Researchers at NIM have successfully developed the quantum Hall chip for the quantum resistance standards, the integrated Josephson junction chips for the quantum voltage standards, and the sensor chip for the microwave power standards.
For the quantum Hall chip, the single quantum Hall chip with long reliability which can be used on the National quantum resistance standards has been made. For the Josephson junction array chip, the 0.5 V quantum voltage chip is realized for the first time in China. The micro-volt chip for the two-channel micro-volt quantum voltage standard system is designed and realized. The Josephson array with 400 thousand junctions has been realized successfully, making China the 4th country in the world who has such capability. The developed WR-6 sensor chip has been used on the WR-6 microwave power standards system. These achievements will strongly support the relative standard systems and will improve NIM’s core technical capability in quantum electrical area.